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Disallow invalid hex colors.

a { color: #y3 }
/** ↑
* This hex color */

Longhand hex colors can be either 6 or 8 (with alpha channel) hexadecimal characters. And their shorthand variants are 3 and 4 characters respectively.

The message secondary option can accept the arguments of this rule.

This rule overlaps with:

We recommend using these rules for CSS and this rule for CSS-like languages, such as SCSS and Less.



The following patterns are considered problems:

a { color: #00; }
a { color: #fff1az; }
a { color: #12345aa; }

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a { color: #000; }
a { color: #000f; }
a { color: #fff1a0; }
a { color: #123450aa; }