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Require or disallow an empty line before at-rules.

a {}
/* ← */
@media {} /* ↑ */
/** ↑
* This line */

This rule ignores:

  • at-rules that are the very first node in the source
  • the @charset rule
  • @import in Less

The fix option can automatically fix all of the problems reported by this rule.


string: "always"|"never"


There must always be an empty line before at-rules.

The following patterns are considered problems:

a {} @media {}
a {}
@media {}

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a {}

@media {}


There must never be an empty line before at-rules.

The following patterns are considered problems:

a {}

@media {}

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a {} @media {}
a {}
@media {}

Optional secondary options

except: ["after-same-name", "inside-block", "blockless-after-same-name-blockless", "blockless-after-blockless", "first-nested"]


Reverse the primary option for at-rules that follow another at-rule with the same name.

This means that you can group your at-rules by name.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@media (min-width: 100px) {}
@media (min-width: 200px) {}
a {

@extends .foo;
@extends .bar;

@include x;
@include y {}


Reverse the primary option for at-rules that are inside a block.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are considered problems:

a {

@extend foo;
color: pink;

b {
color: pink;

@extend foo;

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a {
@extend foo;
color: pink;

b {
color: pink;
@extend foo;


Reverse the primary option for blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule with the same name.

This means that you can group your blockless at-rules by name.

Shared-line comments do not affect this option.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@namespace svg url('');
@import url(x.css); /* comment */
@import url(y.css);

@namespace svg url('');
a {

@extends .foo;
@extends .bar;

@include loop;
@include doo;


Reverse the primary option for blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule.

Shared-line comments do not affect this option.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are considered problems:

@import url(x.css);

@import url(y.css);

@media print {}

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@media print {}
@import url(x.css); /* comment */
@import url(y.css);

@media print {}


Reverse the primary option for at-rules that are nested and the first child of their parent node.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are considered problems:

a {

@extend foo;
color: pink;

b {
color: pink;
@extend foo;

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a {
@extend foo;
color: pink;

b {
color: pink;

@extend foo;

ignore: ["after-comment", "first-nested", "inside-block", "blockless-after-same-name-blockless", "blockless-after-blockless"]


Ignore at-rules that follow a comment.

Shared-line comments do not trigger this option.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/* comment */
@media {}
/* comment */

@media {}
@media {} /* comment */

@media {}


Ignore at-rules that are nested and the first child of their parent node.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@supports {
@media {}

@media {}


Ignore at-rules that are inside a block.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a {
@extend foo;
color: pink;

a {

@extend foo;
color: pink;

b {
color: pink;
@extend foo;

b {
color: pink;

@extend foo;


Ignore blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule with the same name.

This means that you can group your blockless at-rules by name.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@namespace svg url('');
a {

@extends .foo;
@extends .bar;

@include loop;
@include doo;


Ignore blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@import url(x.css);

@import url(y.css);

@media print {}
@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@media print {}

ignoreAtRules: ["/regex/", /regex/, "string"]

Ignore specified at-rules.

For example, with "always".


["namespace", "/^my-/"]

The following patterns are not considered problems:

@import "foo.css";
@namespace svg url('');
a {}
@my-at-rule {}